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Constitution of
The Te Rapa Rugby Sports Club Incorporated

Updated Version 1.0 January 2022


The name of the society shall be Te Rapa Rugby Sports Club Incorporated hereinafter known as ‘The Club’



The objects of the club shall be: -

2.1 The promotion, development and the furtherance of rugby union under its jurisdiction by the rules of the New Zealand Rugby Football Union.

2.2 To promote and manage facilities for rugby and sporting purposes for all members of the club, other sporting bodies and for the benefit of the community.

2.3 To promote the furtherance of education for all members of the club and wider community.

2.4 To promote other community activities, appropriate to the objects of the club.

2.5 To affiliate with and generally co-operate with the following sporting bodies in the advancement and promotion of rugby union and associated activities. The club authorises and confirms that all other clubs with an affiliation to the Waikato Rugby Union are considered as reciprocal clubs. *Hamilton Rugby Sub-Union *Waikato Rugby Union *New Zealand Rugby Football Union

2.6 To do all things necessary in the opinion of the club to promote fellowship, cultural activities, entertainment and social well-being of all members and to foster goodwill and a human and Christian spirit of unity among all members.


The club shall have the following powers: -

3.1 To use its funds as the Committee thinks necessary or proper in payment of its costs and expenses, including the employment and dismissal of counsel, solicitors, agents, officers and staff, according to principles of good employment and the Employment relations Act2000 or any subsequent enactments.

3.2 To purchase, take on, lease or in exchange or hire or otherwise acquire any real or personal property and any rights or privileges which the executive committee thinks necessary or proper for the purpose of attaining the objects of the club and to sell, exchange, let, bail or lease, with or without option of purchase or, in any other manner, dispose of such property, rights or privileges.

3.3 To invest surplus funds in any way permitted by law for the investment of Incorporated society funds and upon such terms as the Committee thinks fit.

3.4 To borrow or raise money from time to time with or without security and upon such term as to priority or otherwise as the Committee thinks fit.

3.5 To carry out an appropriate business

3.6 To do all things as may from time to time be necessary or to give effect to the objects of the club.




4.3 The Common Seal of the club shall be kept in the custody and control of the secretary

4.4 When required, the common seal will be affixed to any document following resolution of the club and will be signed by the Treasurer and one other person nominated by the Executive Committee.



5.1 All those persons who at the time of these rules being agreed to were members of the club and are members of the club.

5.2 Any person who agrees with the objects of the club may, subject to the Committee approval, become a member of the club by application in writing and upon payment of the membership subscription set from time to time by the General Meeting of the club.

5.3 The Secretary in accordance with the provisions of the Incorporated Societies Act1908 and subsequent enactments will maintain a register of members of the club.

5.4 Any person may resign membership of the club by giving oral or written notice to the secretary. The secretary will maintain a record of any registration.

5.5 If a member has not paid a current subscription, membership will cease six months after a subscription has lapsed.




5.6 Life Membership is awarded to members of the club for long and distinguished service to the club. Life Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting upon the receipt of a written recommendation and endorsed by the Committee and shall not be required to pay a subscription.



5.7 The procedure of expulsion of members shall be as follows: -

5.7.1 Any person or organisation may make a complaint to the Committee that the conduct of a member of the club is or has been injurious to the character of the club. Every such complaint will be in writing and addressed to the Secretary

5.7.2 If the Committee considers that there is sufficient substance in the complaints, it may invite the member to attend a meeting of the Committee and to offer a written and/or oral explanation of the member’s conduct.

5.7.3 The Committee will give the member at least fourteen (14) days written notice of the meeting. – The Notice will: - Sufficiently inform the member of the complaint so that the member can offer an explanation of the member’s conduct. Inform the member that if the Committee is not satisfied with the member’s explanation the Committee may expel the member from the club.

5.7.4 If in the meeting the Committee decides to expel the member from the club the member will cease to be a member of the club.

5.7.5 A member spelled by the Committee may within Seven (7) days give written notice of appeal to the secretary. The Secretary will then call a Special General Meeting to take place within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the notice of appeal. It that meeting passes a resolution rescinding the expulsion, the member will be reinstated immediately. 



6.1 The quorum for a General Meeting shall be ten (10) per cent of financial members present in person.

6.2 At least twenty-one (21) days written notification of each General Meeting will be given to members at the current address for such members recorded in the register of members. It will be the responsibility of members to keep the office of the club inform of their contact details.

6.3 Notification of a General Meeting will specify the time, date and place of the meeting. Notification will also describe in a general way all the matters that will arise to be considered and specify what further and more detailed information on these matters is available from the Committee. Full information will be provided concerning any proposed amendments to the constitution or any matter, which is the business of a Special Meeting such information will be supplied to any member requesting it.

6.4 The general meeting will be chaired by the current Chairperson of the Committee, or in his/her absence the President. In the absence of both the Chairperson and President the meeting will elect a person to chair the meeting from amongst the members present. 6.5 A nominee appointed by notice to the Secretary and received by the Secretary before the meeting may represent a member at General Meeting. A member will have the right at any time to change, withdraw or revoke the appointment of the member’s nominee by notice in writing to the Secretary.

6.6 All questions will if possible to be decided by consensus. However, where a consensus decision cannot be reached on a matter, the decision will, unless otherwise specified in this constitution, be made by the majority vote.

6.7 Only current financial members will be eligible to vote and Life members of the club. 6.8 Voting will be by a show of hands unless members indicate an alternative preference. If any member requests a secret ballot on any vote or election, a secret ballot will be held.

6.9 If voting is tied, the Chairperson shall have a casting vote

6.10 In “General Meeting” refers to both Annual General Meeting and Special General Meeting, unless otherwise specified. 




7.1 The Annual General Meeting will be held annually no later than 30th November of each year.

7.2 The Annual General Meeting shall carry out the following business.

7.2.1 Receive the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and any other General Meeting held since the last Annual General Meeting.

7.2.2 Receive the Chairperson’s Report for the twelve (12) month period

7.2.3 Receive the audited financial report for twelve (12) month period

7.2.4 Election of Officer’s

7.2.5 Appoint an Auditor of the club’s accounts.

7.2.6 Conduit any General business, which may have been properly brought up before the meeting.




8.1 Special General Meetings may be called by the Committee or by written request by at least twenty (20) financial members and delivered to the Secretary. The meeting will be called within twenty-one (21) days of the decision being made or the meeting being requested.


8.2 A Special General Meeting will only consider business related to the reason for which it is called as notified to the members.




9.1 The Committee will be composed of a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Captain and no less than five (5) ordinary members and no more than nine (9) ordinary members

9.2 The Committee will have the power to fill any vacant Positions throughout the year between Annual General Meetings.

9.3 Elected members of the Committee will retire at each Annual General Meeting but will be eligible for re-election.

9.4 Nominations for elected positions on the Committee May be way of writing with the consent of the nominee and Given to the secretary seven (7) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

9.5 The procedure for meetings will be as follows: - 

9.5.1 A quorum of at least half the members of the Committee.

9.5.2 If a member of the Committee, including an office-bearer does not attend three (3) consecutive meetings without leave of absence that member may, at the discretion and on the decision of the Committee be removed from the Committee.

9.5.3 All questions will if possible be decided by consensus. In the event that a consensus cannot be reached then a decision will be made by a majority vote by show of hands.

9.5.4 If the voting is tied, the Chairperson will exercise a casting vote.

9.5.5 The Chairperson of the club will chair each meeting or in his absence the Committee shall elect a person to chair the meeting from among its members.

9.6 The Committee will meet at least ten (10) times every year. Meeting. Dates/times to be set at the first Committee meeting after the Annual General Meeting.

9.7 The Secretary will ensure that a minute book is maintained which is available to any member of the club, and which, for each meeting of the Committee, records.

9.7.1 The names of those present.

9.7.2 All decisions which are required by the constitution or by law to be made by the club.

9.7.3 Any other matters discussed at the meeting.

9.8 The Committee will, at all times be bound by the decisions of the members at the General Meetings.



9b.1 The Executive committee will be composed of Te Rapa Rugby Sports Club Inc. President, The Chairperson, The Treasurer, The Secretary and The Club Captain.

9b.2 The Executive committee will be the governance body of the Te Rapa Rugby Sports Club Inc.

9b.3 Elected members of the Executive Committee will retire at each Annual General Meeting but will be eligible for re-election.

9b.4 The Executive Committee will have the power to make any urgent financial decisions and approvals if required. 




10.1 Any income, benefit or advantage will be applied to the objects of the club

10.2 No member of the club or any person associated with a member shall participate in or materially influence any decision made by the club in respect of any payment to or on behalf of that member or associated person of any income, benefit or advantage whatsoever. Any such income paid shall be reasonable and relative to that which would be paid in an arm’s length transaction (being the open market value)

10.3 The provision and effect of this clause shall not be removed from this constitution and shall be implied into any documents replacing this constitution.



11.1 The Committee may from time to time appoint any Committee and may delegate its powers and duties to any such committee or to any person. This Committee will report its Findings to the Committee for confirmation.




12.1 The financial year of the club will be 1st October to 30th September.

12.2 The Committee will decide by resolution at the first Committee meeting after the Annual General Meeting the following: -

12.2.1 How money will be received. 1

2.2.2 Who will be entitled to produce receipts? 12.2.3 What bank accounts will be operational?

12.2.4 Who will authorise the production of cheques and the names of signatories.




The rules of the club may only be amended in any way by a 2/3 majority of eligible members personally present at any General Meeting, provided that no addition to or alteration of the objects clause, the pecuniary profit clause or the winding up clause will be approved without the prior consent of the Department of Inland Revenue. 



14.1 The club may be wound up if at a General Meeting of its members, it passes a resolution to wind up, and the resolution is confirmed at a subsequent General Meeting call together for that purpose and held not earlier than thirty (30) days after the date on which the resolution to be confirmed was passed.

14.2 Any surplus assets after the satisfaction of all liabilities will be distributed among such community organisations in New Zealand that have similar objects to the club and as the members will decide in a General Meeting. If the club is unable to resolve any disagreement over the distribution of surplus assets then the provisions of Section 27 of the Incorporated Societies Act 1908, or the relevant provisions of subsequent enactments, will apply.

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